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Delegations of Authority Policy is the key document for who is responsible to exercise a delegation – Note: Policies and procedure documents may not reflect the current delegations. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy to identify who the delegate is.

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Enrolment Policy (effective 1 January 2025)
1. Purpose:
  1. This Policy sets out the principles for commencing and continuing students enrolled in 69ÂÜÀò units in line with legislative requirements specified by the Commonwealth Government.
  2. This Policy should be read alongside the Enrolment Procedure.
2. Scope:
  1. This Policy applies to all domestic and international students enrolled in a 69ÂÜÀò course in Australia. This includes students enrolled in a 69ÂÜÀò course through the 69ÂÜÀò College.
3. Principles:
  1. Students must manage their enrolment to ensure they complete their course within the specified maximum course duration.
  2. To maximise their likelihood of academic success, students are expected to limit their enrolment to a maximum of 12 credit points in a semester or college teaching period, or 6 credit points in any other teaching period. For most courses a standard full-time load is 24 credit points or 1 EFTSL of enrolment per year.
  3. Domestic students and international students on non-international student visas are permitted up to a maximum of 12 months of consecutive enrolment inactivity before they are discontinued from their course.
  4. International students studying in Australia on an international student visa must maintain their enrolment under the conditions of their visa.
  5. Enrolment requirements and key dates will be clearly communicated on the University website before students commence their course and enrol in units.
  6. Course-specific enrolment requirements are specified in the Register of Courses (Digital Handbook).
  7. Students are responsible for:
    1. ensuring that they enrol in line with course requirements, an approved study plan, or an approved variation to course requirements (VCR);
    2. managing their enrolment in accordance with the key dates provided by the University; and
    3. withdrawing from units according to University timelines and for understanding the consequences or penalties associated with their chosen withdrawal date.
  8. Students are effectively enrolled when they remain enrolled in a unit beyond the teaching period census date.
  9. If a student fails to meet enrolment requirements, they may be suspended from a course or have conditions placed on their enrolment in accordance with the processes set out in the 69ÂÜÀò (Academic Progress) Rules 2022. Students have the right to apply for review of such decisions in accordance with the review processes set out in the Academic Progress Rules 2022.
4. Responsibilities:
  • Retaining and using their Student ID and Student ID Card as requested.
  • Regularly checking student email account for University correspondence.
  • Ensuring the accuracy of their personal data held by the University.
  • Ensuring that they are correctly enrolled, in accordance with course requirements, study plans or an approved variation to course requirements.
  • Ensuring that they enrol on time.
  • Applying for an Enrolment Waiver if not fully eligible for units with enrolment rules.
  • Paying fees and charges on time.
  • Meeting the requirements of Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) if a Commonwealth Supported student.
  • Requesting to have enrolment reinstated after a period of academic suspension.
  • Understanding the consequences of withdrawal on a certain date.
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Applying for Intermission if they require an intermission of studies.
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Adhering to student visa requirements related to their enrolment.
  • Publishing enrolment requirements and key dates on the University website.
7. Definitions:
Award Has the same meaning as in the 69ÂÜÀò (Conferring of Awards) Rules 2022.
Census Date The last day to withdraw from a unit without academic and/or financial penalty. For Semesters 1 and 2, the census date is usually the Friday of Week 4 of Semester and for Winter Term it is usually the Friday of Week 3. A census date must be no earlier than 20% of the way through the teaching period for the unit.
Course The structured program of studies to which a student is admitted under the Admissions Rules. For the purposes of this Policy and the Procedure, the successful completion of all academic requirements of a course may or may not lead to an Award.
Course Requirements The criteria, conditions or components a student admitted to a course must fulfil to successfully complete that course, by following a standard study pattern. These requirements may include but are not limited to: a combination of core and elective units, majors and specialisations, credit points, assessment, practical experience, and placements.
Domestic Student A student is considered a Domestic Student if they are either an Australian Citizen, a New Zealand Citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or a Permanent Humanitarian Visa holder, in accordance with Higher Education Support Act (HESA) 2003 and Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) definitions.
Enrolment The process of completing all required procedures, including the selection of units and registration in activities, payment of all fees and charges or completion of all Government HELP Assistance Forms for the course to be undertaken by the student.
Enrolment Requirements General activities a student must complete prior to their enrolment in a unit of study, including but not limited to: Electronic Commonwealth Assistance forms (eCAFs), Unique Student Identifier (USI), Tax File Number (TFN), and higher education statistics (HE stats).
International Student A student is considered an International Student if they are not an Australian Citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident Visa Holder, or a New Zealand Citizen. International students include students on an international student visa, holders of a Diplomatic Visa and all other visa types not specified above.
Maximum Course Duration The predefined longest permitted time frame for completing a course from date of enrolment to date of course completion.
Register of Courses Has the same meaning as in the 69ÂÜÀò (Courses of Study) Rules 2023. Also referred to as the Digital Handbook.
Student Has the same meaning as in the 69ÂÜÀò (Statutes Interpretation) Statute 2010 as amended or updated from time to time.
Study Plan A pattern of study for a student to complete their course considering their individual circumstances, including full or part time enrolment, periods of inactivity, intermission and academic progress.

A typical study plan for each course is available in the Digital Handbook.
Teaching Period A defined teaching and study period for the completion of units for a particular course. Semester 1, Semester 2 and Winter Term are considered standard teaching periods. All other teaching periods are considered non-standard teaching periods.
Unit A component of a course having a specific designated code and title in which students enrol and complete specific work requirements within a specific teaching period.
Variation of Course Requirements (VCR) An authorisation for an individual student to complete an alternative unit (or units) instead of a unit (or units) of study required as part of a course or course component.