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Academic Progress (Coursework Units) Procedure
1. Purpose:
  1. This Procedure is made under the Academic Progress Policy and states the requirements and processes for the monitoring and review of student academic progression at the 69ÂÜÀò (University).
2. Scope:
  1. This Procedure applies to:
    1. Coursework Units of the University;
    2. a Student admitted to and enrolled in one or more Coursework Units of a Coursework Course or a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Course
    3. a staff member of the University, and;
    4. an Affiliate of the University.
  2. This Procedure does not apply to:
    1. The academic progress monitoring and review of a Student enrolled in a Unit that includes a Major Research Component.
    2. The academic progress monitoring and review of the non-Coursework Units of a HDR Course.
  3. The requirements for monitoring and review of the academic progress of a HDR candidate are set out in the HDR by Research Supervision Policy and the HDR by Research Supervision Procedure.
3. Procedure:
Student support services
  1. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Pro Vice-Chancellor Future Students must ensure that information about the support services available to Students is published on the Student Support Webpage of the University, which includes those in relation to an Educational Partner. See Support for Students Policy for more information.

    Unit level monitoring and review
  2. A Student is determined to be at risk of not meeting Unit requirements up until the last day of teaching during a Teaching Period if one or more of the following occurs:
    1. the Student fails, or fails to undertake or engage in an Early Assessment or Review that is recorded in the Learning Management System (LMS); 
    2. the Student fails to submit any assessment by the due date or an approved extended due date;
    3. the Student fails any assessment;
    4. the Student fails a mid-point clinical placement review;
    5. the Student is required to re-sit a Hurdle Assessment;
    6. the Student shows minimal activity in the LMS for the relevant Unit(s) in which the Student is enrolled (e.g., does not access reading materials, only partially completes a learning activity);
    7. there is evidence of potential Academic Misconduct as described in the 69ÂÜÀò (Student Conduct) Rules 2023 as updated from time to time;
    8. there is a lack of attendance at scheduled sessions (e.g., tutorials);
    9. the Student demonstrates that they may be unable to meet one or more Inherent Requirements of the Course.
  3. The Unit Convener may use the determinants detailed in clause 3.2 to assess the likelihood of a Student not meeting the Unit requirements.
  4. If a Unit Convener identifies that a Student is at risk of not meeting Unit requirements they must refer the Student to the relevant support service(s).
  5. A Unit Convener must provide support service referral information to the Student in as part of their communication(s) with the Student.
  6. Where a Student is enrolled in a HDR Course or a Bachelor Honours Degree Course and the Unit Convener of the Coursework Unit identifies a Student as being at risk of not meeting Unit  requirements, the Convener  will advise: 
    1. in the case of a Student enrolled in a HDR Course, the Student’s primary supervisor and the faculty Associate Dean Research, or;
    2. in the case of a Student enrolled in a Bachelor Honours Degree, the faculty Honours Convener.
  7. Students who have been identified as ‘at-risk’ but have not yet failed a unit will be proactively supported to meet unit requirements. Such support measures include:
    1. Study Skills programs
    2. disability services
    3. health and wellbeing services
    4. the Student Support Program
    5. Student Success Coaching sessions

      Course level monitoring and review
  8. Director, Student Connect is responsible for monitoring a Student’s Academic Standing – a measure of the academic progress of a Student at the Course level.
  9. Academic Standing is monitored using the Completion Rate (CR) and is calculated after a Student has attempted four Units, using the following formula:

    Figure 1: Completion Rate Formula
  10. Director, Student Connect must provide a Student with their Academic Standing, as detailed in Table 1, with their Unit results after they have been approved to be released by the relevant Faculty Assessment Board and in accordance with the Assessment Procedure.

    Table 1: Academic Standing
    Academic Standing Completion Rate Action
    Good Standing  Greater than 75 percent The Student is notified of Unit results.
    Academic Concern Greater than 60 per cent but less than or equal to 75 per cent  The Student is:
    • notified of Unit results, and  
    • provided a notice of Academic Concern that includes referral to University support services. 
    Academic Probation At least 50 per cent but less than or equal to 60 per cent  The student is:  
    • notified of Unit results, and
    • provided a notice of Academic Probation that includes Academic Probation conditions, and a link to develop an Academic Improvement Plan. 
  11. A Student who has failed the same Unit, or an equivalent Unit, twice will be taken to have satisfied the criteria for Academic Probation in accordance with Rule 6(1)(a) of the Academic Progress Rules irrespective of the number of Unit Attempts.
  12. If a Student satisfies the criteria for Academic Probation, an Academic Progress Officer may impose conditions on the Student’s enrolment as set out in Rule 7 of the Academic Progress Rules.
  13. A Student who has not completed four Unit Attempts will not be provided a CR. If a Student does not meet the Unit requirements of a Unit Attempt, the Director, Student Connect will refer the student in writing  to the relevant University support services. 

    Academic Probation
  14. If a Student satisfies the criteria for Academic Probation and the Academic Progress Officer places the Student on Academic Probation and imposes conditions on the Student’s enrolment, the Academic Progress Officer must provide the Student with a notice in accordance with Rule 8 of the Academic Progress Rules.
  15. The notice must comply with the form requirements described in Rule 8(1) of the Academic Progress Rules.
  16. Academic Probation conditions imposed on the enrolment of for a Coursework student may include those described in Rule 7(1) of the Academic Progress rules, and the below conditions are recommended: 
    1. development of an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP);
    2. a requirement not to fail the same unit a third time, and; 
    3. maintenance of a CR of 50 percent or greater. 

      Developing an Academic Improvement Plan
  17. A Student must complete an Academic Improvement Questionnaire (AIQ) before developing an AIP. Completion of the AIQ will trigger a written referral to University support services.
  18.  A Student must develop their AIP in consultation with a staff member of the University support service to which they have been referred.
  19. It is recommended that a Student provide a copy of their AIP to all Unit Conveners.
  20. A Student must, upon request, provide evidence of the actions they have taken to meet the goals in the AIP if those actions are not verifiable by the relevant University support service (e.g., the Student attends psychology services or academic tutoring external to the University).

    Enrolment Amendment - Special circumstances
  21. A Student may apply for an Enrolment Amendment to have a Unit removed from their academic record if they can demonstrate that special circumstances apply (refer to clause 36-21(1) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003). In granting an Enrolment Amendment, the University must be satisfied that the circumstances:
    1. are beyond the Student’s control, and;
    2. did not make their full impact until, on, or after the Census Date, and;
    3. made it impracticable for the Student to complete the Unit requirements.
  22. Where a Student has experienced special circumstances that meet the requirements of clause 3.19 above and Table 2 below, and the application is approved, the Unit will be removed from the Student’s academic record.

    Table 2: Examples of special circumstances
    Circumstance  Examples *Required documentary evidence
    Health issues
    • New health related circumstances (e.g., unscheduled surgery/hospital admission, diagnosis of a chronic illness*) 
    • Exacerbation of an existing disability or health condition  
    • Carer responsibilities of a close family member (e.g., parent, partner, sibling, child)
    An original medical certificate signed and provided by a medical doctor, or  Other original certificate provided by a health professional registered with the  (AHPRA) or a counsellor registered with the (ACA) or the (PACFA).  
    Employment issues
    • Defence Reserve Service
    • Provision of emergency services as a volunteer engaged by an Emergency Service Organisation (e.g., support for floods, storms, fires)
    • Defence member posted overseas 
    Original or certified copies of relevant legal documentation (e.g., employment documentation)). 
    Natural disaster  
    • Civil unrest
    • Flood
    • Health pandemic 
    Documentary evidence to support the claim (e.g., formal statement issued by the government). 
    Other circumstances  
    • Cultural responsibilities
    • Bereavement
    • Misadventure (e.g., victim of crime, car accident)
    • Jury service
    • Domestic/family violence and/or abuse
    • Financial difficulties
    • Jury duty 
    • Completion of a
    • any other documentary evidence to support the claim (e.g., certified true copy of a medical certificate of family member, police report, bank statements, jury duty documentation). 
  23. *A Student who is an International Student living in a country other than Australia must provide documentary evidence to support their claim that meets the relevant legal and statutory requirements of that country.
  24. Where an application for an Enrolment Amendment is approved, and the Unit is removed from a Student’s academic record, the Student’s Academic Standing is updated accordingly.
  25. Where an application for an Enrolment Amendment is declined the Manager, Student Central  must provide the Student with an explanation of the decision in writing.

    Failure to meet condition of academic probation
  26. An Academic Progress Officer may take one or more of the action set out in Rule 9(1) of the Academic Progress Rules in relation to a Student who has not met a condition of academic probation set out in the notice issued to the Student in accordance with Rule 8 of the Academic Progress Rules.

  27. Subject to Rule 10 of the Academic Progress Rules, one of the actions available to an Academic Progress Officer in relation to a Student who has not met a condition of academic probation is to direct that the student be suspended from a course of units in accordance with Rule 9(1)(f) of the Academic Progress Rules.
  28.  If an Academic Progress Officer considers that a student satisfies the criteria to be suspended for a breach of Academic Probation, the Academic Progress Officer may consult Rule 10 of the 69ÂÜÀò (Academic Progress) Rules 2022 which sets out the notice requirements an Academic Officer must satisfy prior to placing the Student on suspension.
  29. A Student who receives a notice of Suspension for breach of Academic Probation in accordance with Rule 10(2) of the Academic Progress Rules whose CR is less than 50 percent is not permitted to commence any new units until the outcome of the suspension process is completed and any subsequent application for review made under the Student Grievance Resolution Policy is decided. 

    International Students living in Australia
  30. An International Student living in Australia must complete all Unit and Course requirements as detailed in the Register of courses and in accordance with their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).
  31. An International Student living in Australia must ensure their Student visa remains current and aligns with their CoE.
  32. The  Academic Progress Officer must advise an International Student living in Australia if they breach the academic progress requirements of their Course.The Student must also be advised if the breach will be reported to Australian government authorities, including the reasons for doing so, and be provided with information on submitting a representation to a notice as detailed in the Academic Progress Rules or a grievance as detailed in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.
  33. An International Student may apply for an extension of course duration:
    1. if the International Student: 
      1. has an AIP that has been implemented or is in the process of being implemented;
      2. can demonstrate special circumstances as detailed in Table 2 above, or
    2. if the University has not made available a Unit that the International Student is required to complete, or provided an appropriate alternate unit, within the duration as specified in their CoE.
  34. The Director, Student Life has delegated authority to approve an extension of course duration, which will be reflected in a new CoE.
  35. The Director, Student Life must report a breach of Course progress in relation to an International Student in the Provider Registration and International Student Management Systems (PRISMS) within 20 working days of the breach unless the International Student has submitted a representation in response to a notice as detailed in the  69ÂÜÀò (Academic Progress) Rules 2022,an appeal to a decision under Rule 11 of the Academic Progress Rules, or a grievance as detailed in the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.
  36. The Director, Student Connect will not cancel an International Student’s Course enrolment until after completion of any appeals processes commenced under Rule 11 of the Academic Progress Rules or the Student Grievance Resolution Policy, including an appeal external to the University.

  37. Once results have been released for each Teaching Period, the Director, Data, Analytics and Insights will provide a report to the faculty Associate Deans’ Education (or equivalent), the Associate Deans’ Research, faculty Honours Convenor, relevant Unit Convenor’s, and the Director, which will include details of Students who have failed a Unit Attempt where they have completed less than four Unit Attempts, and Students who have an Academic Standing of:
    1. Academic Concern, or?
    2. Academic Probation.
  38. The Director, Data, Analytics and Insights will provide an annual report to the Faculty Assessment Board of each faculty on academic progress for Students admitted to a Course of the University and enrolled in one or more Units.
  39. The Faculty Assessment Board of each faculty will report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on academic progress for Students admitted to a Course of the University and enrolled in one or more Units.
4. Roles and Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
Academic Progress Officer
Academic Quality and Standards Committee
Associate Deans’ Education (or equivalent)
  • Overall responsibility to ensure the effectiveness of academic progress reporting within the faculty.
  • Support Program Directors and Unit Conveners to determine a Student’s academic progress status.
Associate Deans’ Research
Director, Data, Analytics and Insights
  • Overall responsibility for academic progress reporting to faculty, including Faculty Assessment Board.
Director, Student Connect
  • Monitor the academic progress of a Student at the
  • Course level.
  • Provide a Student with their Academic Standing.
  • Provide Notices of Academic Probation to Students.
  • Advise an International Student living in Australia if they breach the academic progress requirements of their Course.
Director, Student Life
  • Report a breach of Course progress in relation to an International Student
  • Provide a report to the Manager International of International Students who have been issued a new Confirmation of Enrolment.  
  • Complete the Academic Improvement Questionnaire (AIP).
  • Develop Academic improvement Plan in consultation with the relevant support service staff member or Director, Student Life.
  • Recommended to provide a copy of their AIP to all Unit Conveners.
  • Retain evidence of attendance relevant to the actions in an AIP that are not verifiable by the University support services.
  • May apply for an Enrolment Amendment, where criteria is met.
  • Respond to any Academic Probation conditions detailed in a notice of Academic Probation or Suspension for breach of Academic Probation conditions.
Faculty Assessment Board
  • Review the annual report on academic progress in accordance with the relevant faculty Board Charter.
Faculty Honours Convenor
  • Respond to any referral information from a Unit Convenor of a Coursework Unit.
International Student
  • Complete all Unit and Course requirements in accordance with their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). 
  • Ensure Student visa remains current and aligns with their CoE.
  • May apply for an extension of course duration.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
  • Ensure relevant information about the support services available to Students is published on the University website, which includes those in relation to an Educational Partner.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Future Students
  • Ensure relevant information about the support services available to Students is published on the University website, which includes those in relation to an Educational Partner.
Program Director (or equivalent)
  • Support Unit Conveners to determine a Student’s academic progress status.
Support Services staff
  • Support completion of an Academic Improvement Plan in collaboration with the Student.
Unit Convener
  • Within-unit monitoring a Student’s academic progress throughout the relevant Teaching Period.
  • Seek additional information to determine a Student’s academic progress status, individually or in collaboration with the Program Director or equivalent or Associate Dean Education or equivalent.
  • Determine the likelihood of a Student not meeting the Unit requirements and refer them to the relevant support service(s).
  • Provide referral information to the Student in writing using the relevant academic progress referral template text.
  • Advise faculty Associate Dean Research if an HDR student is at risk of not meeting Unit requirements and the faculty Honours Convener if a Student enrolled in a Bachelor Honours Degree is not meeting Unit requirements.
5. Governing Policy and Legislation:
  1. This policy is governed by the following legislation:
    1. Higher Education Support Act 2003
    3. National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
    4. 69ÂÜÀò (Academic Progress) Rules 2022
6. Supporting Information:
  1. Supporting information for this policy is:
    1. Academic Certification Policy  
    2. Academic Certification Procedure  
    3. Assessment Policy  
    4. Assessment Procedure 
    5. Charter of Conduct and Values  
    6. ITM and Records Management Policy Manual 
    7. Intellectual Property Policy 
    8. Measures of Academic Achievement Policy  
    9. Measures of Academic Achievement Procedure  
    10. Policy Framework Policy
    11. Policy Framework Procedure
    12. Student Grievance Resolution Policy
    13. Support for Students Policy
7. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Academic Concern An Academic Standing associated with a Completion Rate greater than 60 percent but less or equal to 75 percent.
Academic Improvement Plan (AIP)  A plan that includes academic and non-academic actions, whose purpose is to support the academic progress of a student. This has the same meaning as ‘Early Intervention Plan’ as detailed in the Academic Progress Rules 2022.
Academic Integrity Using, generating and communicating information in an ethical, honest and responsible manner.
Academic Misconduct Has the same meaning given in the 69ÂÜÀò (Student Conduct) Rules 2023.
Academic Probation An Academic Standing associated with a Completion Rate greater than 50 percent but less than or equal to 60 percent, or where a Student has failed the same Unit (or an equivalent Unit) twice.
Academic Standing A measure of a Student’s academic progress at Course level, based on their Completion Rate and taking into account repeated Unit Attempts.
Affiliate  Includes Educational Partner teaching staff, clinical title holders, adjunct, and honorary appointees, consultants and contractors to the University, holders of offices in University entities, members of boards of University foundations, members of University committees, and any other persons appointed or engaged by the University to perform duties or functions on its behalf
Award Has the same meaning given in the 69ÂÜÀò Conferring of Awards Rules 2022
Bachelor Honours Degree  A Coursework Course that is equivalent to Australian Qualification Framework Level 8 (). &²Ô²ú²õ±è;
Candidate A Student admitted and enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research Course of the University.
Census Date The last date before which a Student can withdraw from a Unit and not incur a financial or academic penalty in respect of that Unit. 
Completion Rate  Represents the percentage of Units passed by a Student divided by the number of their Unit Attempts.  The Completion Rate (CR) includes Units that a student has withdrawn from after the census date. A withdrawal prior to Census Date is not included in the CR.
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)  An electronic document that is provided by the University to an international student as evidence of the Student’s course information, including the Course, the cost and the duration of study. 
Course  Has the same meaning given in the 69ÂÜÀò Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023
Coursework Has the same meaning given in the
Early Assessment or Review An Assessment that ‘… provides formative feedback on academic progress and is able to identify needs for additional support’ (Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, p.5.
Educational Partner An organisation that provides University courses at the Educational Partner’s physical or online campus, including using Educational Partner staff.  
Effectiveness (of a policy) The objectives of a policy are being met and there is a high level of compliance with the requirements stated in that policy's supporting procedures.
Enrolment Amendment An application to request withdrawal from a Unit Attempt without:
  • penalty i.e., the Unit Attempt is removed from the Student Record, or
  • penalty and remission of fees.
The Enrolment Amendment form and any associated communications are retained for records purposes.
Final Assessment Period  The last two weeks of a semester, or other specified time in a non-standard Teaching Period, where the final Summative Assessment of a Unit is due, or timetabled.
Grade Point Average  An indicator of academic achievement across the course using final grades, which is expressed as a number between 0 and 7. 
Higher Degree by Research   A degree of master by research or a degree of doctor by research e.g., Doctor of Philosophy degree. 
Hurdle Assessment Refers to a requirement or standard that a learner must meet or exceed in order to progress.
Inherent Requirements The abilities a Student will need to have to achieve the Course Learning Outcomes of a Course.
International Student Has the same meaning given in the .
Low Completion Rate  A Completion Rate of less than 50 percent of Unit Attempts by a Student in their current Course. 
Major Research Component  Research of a Coursework Unit that does not exceed 25 percent of the total credit points of the Coursework Course. 
Register of Courses A list of Courses and their associated Award(s) that have been approved for offering by Academic Board.
Research  Comprises systematic experimental and theoretical work. The development of the research, and application of the research results in an increase in the dimensions of knowledge. 
Student A person undertaking a Coursework Course or a Higher Degree by Research Course as defined in the University Register of Courses.
Suspended Means the cancellation of enrolment of a Student in a Course or a Unit and may include the withdrawal for a specified time of all rights and privileges as a Student of the University, including the right to re-enrol and the right to enter or to be on University grounds (69ÂÜÀò Academic Progress Rules 2022, p.2).
Teaching Period  A semester, term or such other period that corresponds to the way in which the unit or course is offered, and includes the final feedback including the final grade of the unit. A Teaching Period may include a Final Assessment Period.  
Unit A Unit of study entered in the University Register of Courses.
Unit Attempt  A Unit that a student is enrolled in after the Census date of a Teaching Period.  
University 69ÂÜÀò ABN 81 633 873 422 
Weighted Average Mark  A number between 0 and 100 that is an indicator of academic achievement across a Course. 
Withdrawn Removed (W-REM) A grade allocated to a Unit Attempt after a Student has withdrawn after the Census Date, but whose special circumstances meet the criteria within the Higher Education Support Act 2003. The Unit Attempt is removed from the Student’s academic record, and any tuition fees are refunded and/or HELP liability remitted.
Withdrawal Late (WD) The grade that is allocated to a Unit Attempt when a Student has withdrawn after the Census Date but before the last third of the length of the Teaching Period. This grade is included in the calculation of a Student’s Academic Standing and reflects a Unit Attempt, but is not included in the calculation of the Student’s Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark.
Withdrawn Fail (NW) The grade that is allocated to a Unit Attempt when a Student has withdrawn after two thirds of the length of the Teaching Period has elapsed. This grade is included in the calculation of a Student’s Academic Standing, Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark and reflects a Unit Attempt.