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Academic Progress Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. This Policy sets out the principles governing Student academic progression at the 69ÂÜÀò (University).
  2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that:
    1. the academic progress of a Student is proactively monitored within a Unit and across a Course;
    2. a Student who is at risk of not completing Unit and Course requirements is identified at the earliest opportunity;
    3. there are academic practices and processes to support and improve Student academic progress;
    4. academic progress practices and processes are applied consistently across student cohorts, are reviewed for Effectiveness and align with the University’s obligations under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.
2. Scope:
  1. This Policy applies to:
    1. a Student admitted to and enrolled in a Coursework Course, or a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Course of the University;
    2. Coursework Units (Units) detailed in the Register of Courses;
    3. a Staff member of the University, and;
    4. an Affiliate of the University. 
  2. This Policy does not apply to:
    1. The academic progress monitoring and review of a Student enrolled in a Unit that includes a Major Research Component.
    2. The academic progress monitoring and review of the non-Coursework Units of a HDR Course.
  3. The requirements for monitoring and review of the academic progress of a HDR candidate are set out in the HDR by Research Supervision Policy and the HDR by Research Supervision Procedure.
3. Principles:
  1. Course and Unit requirements are made available in the University’s Register of Courses (Digital Handbook).
  2. A Course must be completed within a timeframe that ensures a Students’ skills and knowledge, and application of them are relevant on conferral of the Award.
  3. The University must make available a range of support services to help a Student complete the requirements of the Course they were admitted to, and are currently enrolled in. Such support can be found on the Student Support webpage of the University. See Support for Students Policy for more information.
  4. The academic progress of a Student must be actively monitored, and the relevant University staff member must implement early intervention processes if a Student is identified as being at risk of not completing Unit and Course requirements.
  5. A Student must be given:
    1. information about their academic progress during a Teaching Period;
    2. information about their Academic Standing within ten working days of any Unit result being finalised;
    3. the opportunity to discuss their academic progress with a staff member or Affiliate, and;
    4. timely referral to support services.
  6. A Student who wishes to seek a review of a  decision related to Academic Probation or Academic Suspension made under this policy or its associated procedure, should refer to the 69ÂÜÀò (Academic Progress) Rules 2022 and the Student Grievance Resolution Policy.
  7. Records of academic progress will be maintained in accordance with the DITM and Records Management Policy Manual.
4. Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
Academic Board
  • Approve changes to the Academic Progress Policy.
  • Monitor the Effectiveness of and compliance with the Policy as detailed in clause 10(1)(c)of the 69ÂÜÀò Academic Board Rules 2021.
Academic Quality and Standards Committee
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Policy Sponsor of this policy. Refer to the Policy Framework Policy suite.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise Overall responsibility for the Effectiveness of the aspects related to Students admitted to and enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research Course.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Policy Custodian of this policy. Refer to the Policy Framework Policy suite.
University Research Committee
University staff and Affiliates Refer to the relevant associated procedures for specific roles and responsibilities that apply to the implementation of this policy.
5. Legislation:
  1. This policy is governed by the following legislation:
    1. Higher Education Support Act 2003
    2. National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
    3. Student Grievance Resolution Policy
    4. 69ÂÜÀò (Academic Progress) Rules 2022
6. Supporting Information:
  1. This policy is supported by the following policy texts:
    1. Academic Certification Policy  
    2. Academic Certification Procedure  
    3. Assessment Policy  
    4. Assessment Procedure 
    5. Charter of Conduct and Values  
    6. ITM and Records Management Policy Manual  
    7. Intellectual Property Policy 
    8. Measures of Academic Achievement Policy  
    9. Measures of Academic Achievement Procedure  
    10. Policy Framework Policy
    11. Policy Framework Procedure
    12. Support for Students Policy
7. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Academic Concern An Academic Standing associated with a Completion Rate greater than 60 percent but less or equal to 75 percent.
Academic Improvement Plan (AIP)  A plan that includes academic and non-academic actions, whose purpose is to support the academic progress of a student. This has the  same meaning as ‘Early Intervention Plan’ as detailed in the Academic Progress Rules 2022.
Academic Integrity Using, generating and communicating information in an ethical, honest and responsible manner.
Academic Misconduct Has the same meaning given in the 69ÂÜÀò (Student Conduct) Rules 2023.
Academic Probation An Academic Standing associated with a Completion Rate greater than 50 percent but less than or equal to 60 percent, or where a Student has failed the same Unit (or an equivalent Unit) twice.
Academic Standing A measure of a Student’s academic progress at Course level, based on their Completion Rate and taking into account repeated Unit Attempts.
Affiliate  Includes Educational Partner teaching staff, clinical title holders, adjunct, and honorary appointees, consultants and contractors to the University, holders of offices in University entities, members of boards of University foundations, members of University committees, and any other persons appointed or engaged by the University to perform duties or functions on its behalf.
Award  Has the same meaning given in the 69ÂÜÀò Conferring of Awards Rules 2022
Bachelor Honours Degree   Has the same meaning given in the .
Candidate A Student admitted and enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research Course of the University.
Census Date The last date before which a Student can withdraw from a Unit and not incur a financial or academic penalty in respect of that Unit.
Completion Rate Represents the percentage of Units passed by a Student divided by the number of their Unit Attempts. The Completion Rate (CR) includes Units that a student has withdrawn from after the Census Date. A withdrawal prior to Census Date is not included in the CR.
Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) An electronic document that is provided by the University to an international Student as evidence of the Student’s course information, including the Course, the cost and the duration of study. 
Course  Has the same meaning given in the 69ÂÜÀò Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023
Coursework  Has the same meaning given in the
Early Assessment or Review An Assessment that ‘… provides formative feedback on academic progress and is able to identify needs for additional support’ (Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, p.5).
Educational Partner An organisation that provides University courses at the Educational Partner’s physical or online campus, including using Educational Partner staff.  
Effectiveness (of a policy) The objectives of a policy are being met and there is a high level of compliance with the requirements stated in that policy's supporting procedures.
Enrolment Amendment An application to request withdrawal from a Unit Attempt without:
  • penalty i.e., the Unit Attempt is removed from the Student Record, or
  • penalty and remission of fees.
The Enrolment Amendment form and any associated communications are retained for records purposes.
Final Assessment Period The last two weeks of a semester, or other specified time in a non-standard Teaching Period, where the final Summative Assessment of a Unit is due or timetabled.
Grade Point Average  An indicator of academic achievement within a Course that is calculated using grades awarded to a Student on the completion of a Unit of study, and expressed as a number between 0 and 7.
Higher Degree by Research  A degree of master by research or a degree of doctor by research e.g., Doctor of Philosophy degree. 
Hurdle Assessment Refers to a requirement or standard that a learner must meet or exceed in order to progress.
Inherent Requirements The abilities a Student will need to have to achieve the Course Learning Outcomes of a Course.
International Student Has the same meaning given in the .
Low Completion Rate A Completion Rate of less than 50 percent of Unit Attempts by a Student in their current Course.
Major Research Component Research of a Coursework Unit that does not exceed 25 percent of the total credit points of the Coursework Course. 
Register of Courses A list of Courses and their associated Award(s) that have been approved for offering by Academic Board.
Research Comprises systematic experimental and theoretical work. The development of the research, and application of the research results in an increase in the dimensions of knowledge.
Student  A person undertaking a Coursework Course or a Higher Degree by Research Course as defined in the University Register of Courses.
Suspended Means the cancellation of enrolment of a Student in a Course or a Unit and may include the withdrawal for a specified time of all rights and privileges as a Student of the University, including the right to re-enrol and the right to enter or to be on University grounds (69ÂÜÀò Academic Progress Rules 2022, p.2).
Teaching Period A semester, term or such other period that corresponds to the way in which the Unit or Course is offered, and includes the final feedback (including the final grade of the Unit). A Teaching Period may include a Final Assessment Period.  
Unit A Unit of study entered in the University Register of Courses.
Unit Attempt A Unit that a student is enrolled in after the Census date of each Teaching Period.  
Weighted Average Mark  A number between 0 and 100 that is an indicator of academic achievement across a Course.
Withdrawn Early (WE) A grade allocated to a Student when they withdraw from a Unit prior to Census Date. A Withdrawn Early grade is not included on a Student’s academic record (e.g., academic transcript).
Withdrawn Removed (W-REM) A grade allocated to a Unit Attempt after a Student has withdrawn after the Census Date, but whose special circumstances meet the criteria within the Higher Education Support Act 2003. The Unit Attempt is removed from the Student’s academic record, and any tuition fees are refunded and/or HELP liability remitted.
Withdrawal Late (WD) The grade that is allocated to a Unit Attempt when a Student has withdrawn after the Census Date but before the last third of the length of the Teaching Period. This grade is included in the calculation of a Student’s Academic Standing and reflects a Unit Attempt, but is not included in the calculation of the Student’s Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark.
Withdrawn Fail (NW) The grade that is allocated to a Unit Attempt when a Student has withdrawn after two thirds of the length of the Teaching Period has elapsed. This grade is included in the calculation of a Student’s Academic Standing, Grade Point Average and Weighted Average Mark and reflects a Unit Attempt.