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Distinguished Professors Policy
The purpose of the Distinguished Professor title is to:

1. Recognise current UC professors who have made an exceptional and sustained  
     contribution to research and scholarship at the University and whose leadership has
     made a significant difference to the academic life of the institution; or
2. Enhance the ability of the university to recruit exceptional professors to the University
     for the purpose of developing our national and international research profile.


In its Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022 the University aims for the highest recognition in national and international assessments of excellence.  A policy to attract and retain exceptional senior scholars will contribute to realising that aim.
To be eligible for consideration as a Distinguished Professor, the person must hold or be appointable to the title ‘Professor’ at the 69ÂÜÀò. The expectation is that the person would be in the top 1% of their field and continuing to demonstrate excellence. A nominee’s whole of career will be considered, however special attention will be given to the nominee’s achievements relative to opportunity at the 69ÂÜÀò within the past five years, together with opportunities for future contributions to the University.
Nomination, Endorsement and Approval Process
The Vice-Chancellor has the power to attach the title of Distinguished Professor to a professor of the University, within the terms of this policy.  Nominations may only be made by the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or an Executive Dean of a Faculty. Ordinarily the Vice-Chancellor will exercise the power of appointment on the recommendation of a committee or panel, as set out below.
Nominations must consist of:
  1. The full curriculum vitae of the nominated individual including qualifications and employment history, with as    much detail as possible on the criteria below and any other information deemed relevant to the nomination; 
  2. A description of the most significant research contributions including up to five of the most significant publications (no more than two pages);
  3. A written statement from the nominator that outlines the reasons, with reference to the criteria, why the nominee should be awarded the title of Distinguished Professor (no more than two pages);
  4. Contact details of at least four scholars of international standing in the relevant field of research or teaching who would be contacted by the committee to comment in confidence on the nominee’s suitability.  (Reports from at least three of these will generally be required by the panel or committee prior to making a recommendation). (The panel or committee reserves the right to contact scholars other than those nominated to help in their considerations).
Nominations will be considered by the following groups, according to the context, which will make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor:
  1. The Level E Academic Promotions Committee, as an additional item of business, and not in relation to any candidates for promotion in that year;
  2. A professorial selection committee, in the case of a person it is also recommending for appointment to the University;
  3. A Distinguished Professor Appointments Panel. Where the timing of the Level E Academic Promotions Committee is not conducive to an appointment, a recommendation may be made by a Distinguished Professor Appointments Panel convened for the purpose by the Vice-Chancellor, consisting of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), and two external nominees of the Vice-Chancellor. One of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors will ordinarily chair the Panel.
The following criteria will be taken into account, to the extent relevant to the individual case, when nominating, recommending and deciding whether the Distinguished Professor title should be attached or renewed. Not all criteria need to be met.

1.  Evidence of an international reputation for outstanding and sustained performance in research and/or scholarship  as demonstrated by, for example:
  • sustained quality of scholarly publications, performances or creative works;
  • citations or other evidence of peer recognition;
  • invitations to give keynote addresses at prestigious conferences;
  • competitive research grant funding success;
  • election to learned academies;
  • honorary degrees;
  • awards and prizes;
  • invitations to chair external review committees or equivalent.
2.  Evidence of research leadership including but not limited to:
  • leadership of successful research teams;
  • successful mentoring of HDR students and early career researchers;
  • leadership in the discipline/profession nationally or internationally;
  • leadership in the translation of research that impacts the broader community.
3.  Evidence of significant contribution to teaching and learning, and creative and   
     artistic achievements such as:
  • prestigious teaching awards;
  • sustained excellence in innovative teaching and learning;
  • sustained and outstanding student evaluations;
  • professional and peer recognition of significant achievements at a national and international level as exemplified by election and invitation to professional societies and honorific societies;
  • evidence of significant contributions to enhancing the student experience;
  • implementation and extension of transformative educational approaches.
4.  Evidence of significant service to the University and/or community as exemplified by high achievement in senior administrative and management roles at the faculty or   university level leading to demonstrably significant advancement of the University’s mission and priorities, or high achievement in impactful engagement with the community.
5. Evidence of translating new knowledge into practice such as:
  • publication of reports commissioned by government agencies and other organisations;
  • successful application for patents and licences based on original research and development;
  • original designs and executed structures which result in high professional standing and esteem;
  • ability to attract funds for contract research from government, business and industry.
6. Ability to continue to perform at a high level and make a significant contribution to the standing of the University for the period of the award.

Award Components
The award of the Distinguished Professor title consists of two components:
  1. A salary loading, the value of which will be determined by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the                     Executive Dean of the relevant area. (The Faculty will be responsible for the full cost); and
  2. A medal of recognition.
Period of Award
The award is for a period of up to five years and it ceases upon resignation or retirement from the University. However, where the title of Emeritus Professor is bestowed by the University, the award title continues beyond resignation or retirement to the end of the designated period, with the title amended to Emeritus Distinguished Professor. The monetary component will not continue into retirement.

An award may be renewed upon its expiry where it is warranted by sustained exceptional performance (as assessed using the Criteria) and conduct during the period of the award. Requests for renewal will be considered at the Level E promotions committee in the year prior to the termination date of the appointment.
The request for renewal of award must be a written statement from either a Deputy Vice-Chancellor or an Executive Dean of a Faculty detailing the reasons, with reference to the Criteria and the performance and conduct during the current period of the award, why the award of Distinguished Professor should be renewed.
The renewal will also include reference to the future performance against the Criteria
An award may be withdrawn at any time by the Vice-Chancellor on the basis of under-performance against the Criteria. The award may also be withdrawn if the awardee commits any breach of policy, or engages in any conduct, which the Vice-Chancellor, after taking appropriate advice, believes is likely to bring the University into disrepute.
 Who Responsibilities
Supporting Information:
Policy review
This policy will be reviewed at least every five years.