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Delegations of Authority Policy is the key document for who is responsible to exercise a delegation – Note: Policies and procedure documents may not reflect the current delegations. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy to identify who the delegate is.

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Student Charter
The 69ÂÜÀò is committed to providing a great student experience, appropriate to the age, stage, background and circumstances of its diverse student population. In order to achieve this goal there is a need for active and reciprocal engagement by all members of the University community. The Student Charter sets out the rights and responsibilities of all students within the University context.
One of the University's major functions is to educate its students. The University is committed to the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning. Similarly, the University is committed to strengthening its research culture and providing an outstanding experience for research students. Excellence in all these spheres involves students as active participants in their educational experience.
Staff members and students at the 69ÂÜÀò work together in partnership. Such a partnership requires ethical and respectful behaviour and treatment by both parties. The Student Charter sets out what students can expect from the 69ÂÜÀò and what is expected of students as members of the University community.
Moreover, the Student Charter recognises that students are central to a dynamic campus and an engaged University community, and encourages students to participate in the life of the University community.
The University has specific policies and procedures relating to a number of the matters described in this Charter. Nothing in this Charter is intended to override or be inconsistent with such specific policies and procedures.
The 69ÂÜÀò Student Charter sets out the main rights and responsibilities of students within the University context. The Charter applies to all students and staff members of the 69ÂÜÀò and the 69ÂÜÀò College.
University Responsibilities/Student Expectations
Students at the 69ÂÜÀò and the 69ÂÜÀò College can expect:
  1. To be treated with courtesy and respect.
  2. To enjoy an environment free from discrimination, harassment or bullying.
  3. To be offered a suitable orientation to their course and to the University.
  4. To have their courses monitored for quality and integrity.
  5. To have access to accurate and timely course advice.
  6. To be provided with information about each unit in an appropriate accessible format within a reasonable time of the unit commencing. 
  7. To be provided with feedback and grading of their assignments and examinations in a timely manner.
  8. To be provided with a learning environment that takes account of the different characteristics of students and their varying cultural backgrounds.
  9. To be provided with a positive and cooperative learning environment that allows students to have reasonable access to staff to discuss issues and problems.
  10. To be provided with reasonable opportunities to participate in the functioning of the University particularly by being invited to provide feedback on unit content and teaching.
  11. Access to on-campus student support services, including, but not limited to health services, social and recreational facilities, counselling services, learning assistance and child-minding facilities. 
  12. Access to information on the nature of academic and behavioural misconduct and access to information on the sanctions likely to follow misconduct.
  13. To have their formal appeals and complaints heard in accordance with the principles of natural justice. The University will endeavour to provide a harmonious work and study environment in which concerns and complaints will be addressed and resolved as effectively as possible. Student grievances will be dealt with through a clear set of procedures provided by the University.
  14. Access to information regarding total course fees and fee increases, methods of payment, and details of cancellation and fee refund procedures.  
  15. That the University will support and consult with relevant student organisations, within the legislative framework applying to the University and its administration.
  16. That the University will use students' personal information internally in ways that are appropriate and release it outside the University only with the consent and knowledge of the student or when legally required to do so.
Student Responsibilities/University Expectations
Students at the 69ÂÜÀò and the 69ÂÜÀò College:
  1. Are required to treat staff members with courtesy and respect.
  2. Are responsible for making themselves aware of all University statutes, rules and other regulations (including any relevant policy and procedures) of the University pertaining to their rights and responsibilities as students, and to abide by those regulations as well as relevant external legislation.
  3. Are expected to act in a way that respects the rights and welfare of all members of the University community. Students have a responsibility to be aware of and understand cultures other than their own, and to be sensitive and tolerant to these cultural diversities.
  4. Are expected to be familiar with information relevant to their units and course as per the information made available to them.
  5. Have a responsibility to participate actively and positively in the teaching-learning process and comply with the requirements of their course.
  6. Have a responsibility to produce honest work. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data is not acceptable. Students are also expected to be aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding the proper use of copyright material.
  7. Are responsible for monitoring their own progress within the teaching-learning environment and the academic program. Students may expect to have reasonable access to academic staff for assistance and to the various academic support services.
  8. Have a responsibility to participate in the functioning of the University by providing feedback on their experience as students, including their unit and course experience.
  9. Have a responsibility to treat University property with respect. 
  10. Must maintain their up-to-date contact details on the student portal in order that the University can maintain appropriate contact with them as necessary.
  11. Must act responsibly and courteously towards others when representing the University on placements, internships, field trips, sporting events and other University sponsored activities.
  12. Who belong to student organisations will act responsibly and in the best interests of all students attending the University.
Responsibilities for implementing this policy and ensuring its proper operation and understanding rests with numerous individual and groups across the University.

The responsibilities set out in this Charter have been developed with reference to the document “Universities and their Students: Principles for the Provision of Education by Australian Universities” (Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee, 2005). Ideas for some of the rights and responsibilities also came for the University of Queensland’s Student Charter (2007), Edith Cowan University's Student Charter (2008) and Murdoch University’s Student Charter (2007).
This policy does not provide an exhaustive list of every possible right and responsibility of students nor of every responsibility the University has towards future and current students; rather, it provides an overview of many of the key student rights and responsibilities. Specific policy documents provide details of specific rights and responsibilities with respect to all aspects of the student experience.