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Delegations of Authority Policy is the key document for who is responsible to exercise a delegation – Note: Policies and procedure documents may not reflect the current delegations. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy to identify who the delegate is.

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Outside Work Procedure
  1. This procedure sets out the process for the management and approval of Outside Work undertaken by employees of the University.
  1. This procedure applies to all full-time and part-time Academic Staff, Professional Staff, Senior Managers and Executive Staff who undertake Outside Work.
  2. This policy applies to casual and sessional employees where:
    1. the conduct of Outside Work may affect or impair their ability to fulfill the inherent requirements of their role with the University;
    2. the Outside Work has an association with the University; or
    3. there is a perceived, potential or actual Conflict of Interest or otherwise where the University’s Conflict of Interest Policy may be breached.
  3. This procedure does not apply to Additional UC Employment approval requests. All requests to undertake Additional UC Employment must be made in accordance with the Additional UC Employment Procedure.
  1. When seeking to engage in Outside Work an employee must first seek approval from the appropriate Approval Authority using the .
  2. An employee seeking to undertake Outside Work, must seek approval from the University for each activity of Outside Work.
  3. Approvals of Outside Work will be valid for the duration of the activity, or for a maximum of 12 months, whichever is the lesser. All approvals are subject to review.
  1. Applications for approval to undertake Outside Work must be made submitted to the employee’s manager and Approval Authority using the in accordance with the Outside or Additional Work Policy and this procedure.
  2. All approved requests for Outside Work must be reviewed annually, during an employee's professional development plan discussion.
  3. A copy of the approval will be recorded by the University.
Approval Criteria
  1. Approval may be granted by the Approval Authority in the circumstances where the additional employment will not:
    1. Create a Conflict of Interest for the employee in their existing Substantive Position or otherwise breach the Conflict of Interest Policy;
    2. Adversely affect the performance of the employee in their existing Substantive Position;
    3. Impose an unreasonable workload inconsistent with the employee’s continued health and safety;
    4. Be undertaken during the working hours where the employee is required to be available for their existing Substantive Position;
    5. Conflict with, or be contrary to, the interests of the University;
    6. Create unreasonable risk for the University; and
    7. Otherwise breach the Outside and Additional Work Policy.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
  • Employees must carefully consider whether the Outside Work may, by implication, adversely affect (or be perceived to affect) the performance of the employee’s University duties and responsibilities.
  • All employees to whom this policy applies, including Senior Managers and Executive Staff, are required to declare and seek approval of Outside Work in accordance with this procedure.
  • Managers are responsible for providing advice and managing employees in relation to the provisions of this policy, including the general standards of conduct required by University employees.
Supporting Information:
  1. Supporting information for this procedure
    1. Additional UC Employment Procedure
    2. Outside or Additional Work Policy
    3. 69ÂÜÀò Enterprise Agreement
    4. 69ÂÜÀò Enterprise Agreement
  2. University policy and procedures
    1. Charter of Conduct and Values
    2. Conflict of Interest Policy
    3. Consultancy Management Policy
    4. Consultancy Management Procedure
    5. Intellectual Property Policy
Terms Definitions
Approval Authority The authority who can approve an applicant’s Outside or Additional Work as set out in the Outside and Additional Work Policy.
Approval Criteria The criteria by which requests for approval of Additional UC Employment will be measured set out in this procedure.
Conflict of Interest Is a situation in which an individual has competing Interests, that compromises their ability to act impartially without favouring either Interest, and may also include the Interests of their immediate family and business partners, to the extent known.

A Conflict of Interest typically arises from a situation of personal gain, or avoidance of personal loss, whether financial or otherwise. Please refer to the Conflict of Interest Policy for further information on Conflicts of Interest.
Employment-Like Activity Any work undertaken by an employee that is paid or unpaid for a third-party, where the person is not employed directly by that third-party. For example, this may include volunteer directorships (such as a director on the board of a charity), volunteer work or other gig economy activities.
Outside Work
Outside Work means any employment or Employment-Like Activity with an organisation other than the University, including when the Outside Work is to be undertaken outside of the employee’s normal University working hours or the employee is on leave, including leave without pay. For the purposes of this policy, Outside Work includes self-employment, work for an incorporated entity, independent contracting or consulting, employment by a family company, or directorships and board memberships, whether paid or unpaid.

Outside Work encompasses casual, part-time and full-time work and shift work. All such cases constitute Outside Work regardless of the duration of the Outside Work.

Outside Work includes employment already held by an employee at the time of their initial employment by the University.
Senior Manager Those employees of the University employed in accordance with Part E: Senior Managers of the 69ÂÜÀò Enterprise Agreement.
Substantive Position Employment to a continuing, fixed-term or casual academic or professional position for which the employee would normally occupy.