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Delegations of Authority Policy is the key document for who is responsible to exercise a delegation – Note: Policies and procedure documents may not reflect the current delegations. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy to identify who the delegate is.

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Talent Acquisition Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. This Policy sets out the actions to attract the highest calibre of people who demonstrate the expected behaviours to uphold the 69ÂÜÀò’s (University) purpose and values, do their best at the University, and contribute successfully towards achieving the outcomes of the University strategy.
  2. This Policy outlines the University’s commitment to search, screen and select a talented and diverse community.
2. Scope:
  1. The Policy applies to the recruitment of all positions regardless of job category or employment status, and to all current and potential employees.
3. Principles:
Recruitment Principles
  1. Excellence - The University is committed to attracting, onboarding and retaining highly skilled, well qualified, experienced employees who embody the spirit and culture of the University, and provide excellent, innovative teaching, research, research training and administrative support to University functions.
  2. Strategic alignment - The University’s search and selection practices support the achievement of the University’s strategic and operational objectives. Decisions to recruit should be made in the context of workforce planning and to consistently improve the performance and standing of the University.
  3. Equity and transparency - The University’s search and selection methods ensure adequate assessment that delivers high quality decisions considered against the key capabilities and flexibility to ensure that candidates are not eliminated from the process unfairly. All involved in talent acquisition must actively consider any personal unconscious biases.
  4. Merit based selection – The University is dedicated to ensuring an equitable and efficient method for making employment decisions. Evaluating the applicant's pertinent abilities, expertise, conduct, and background in comparison to the job prerequisites will ascertain the most suitable candidate.
  5. Compliance - The University complies with all relevant legislation in the selection and appointment of employees (including working rights, qualifications, employee background checking).
  6. Candidate care - The University seeks to attract highly skilled, well qualified, experienced candidates, by defining roles accurately and advertising vacancies appropriately. Candidates should be treated with respect and communicated with in a timely manner. Shortlisted candidates should be provided with post-interview feedback by the selection panel. Where psychometric assessments are utilised, qualified administrators will interpret and provide results to the selection panel, and to the candidate upon request. All candidates have a right to privacy and confidentiality which will be respected by the University and its employees.
  7. Gender equity – The University proactively promotes gender equity and encourages specific action to increase, in particular, the representation of women in STEM areas.
  8. Diversity and inclusion – The University values diversity and equal opportunity and seeks to embody these values in its employees. The University promotes a diverse and inclusive workforce by encouraging members of underrepresented groups to consider employment with the University.
  9. Efficiency - The University recognises that timely decision making is critical in securing the best possible candidate, and all processes should be conducted without undue delay. The University encourages use of technology and flexibility and recommends panel sizes proportionate to the position being filled with relevant skills and experience on the panel, and shortlisting of appropriate numbers of candidates to allow for an efficient process.
  10. Recognising existing talent – The University is committed to development opportunities for our people. From time to time, suitably skilled internal candidates may be available for transfer to other roles.
  11. Recognising and considering identified quality candidates from previous vacancies – the University will maintain a pool of quality, qualified candidates from which hiring managers can draw.
4. Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
Delegations of Authority Policy Approval to commence search and selection activities and subsequent offers of employment.
Manager or Supervisor Who may or may not be the Delegate or Chair, and is responsible for ensuring the Position Description and any supporting materials are written appropriately and are completed accurately and in a timely manner.
Delegate or Chair Responsible for ensuring the decision is made in accordance with the principles stated in this Policy, and the procedural aspects (as outlined in the Recruitment Process) are followed.
Nominated Selection Panel Members Responsible for ensuring they are aware of, and abide by, the principles stated in the Policy, and that the principles are supported throughout the selection process.
Faculty and Business Area Administrators Assist with the completion of administrative paperwork if requested by a Manager, Supervisor or Chair.
People and Diversity
  • Provide expertise, facilitate and advise on all aspects of talent acquisition.
  • Responsible for providing contemporary methods for finding and selecting great talent.
6. Supporting Information:
  1. Recruitment Process
  2. Relocation Guidelines
7. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Delegate The position eligible to exercise decision making on staff appointments in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy.