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New Course Development Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. This policy outlines the University's new course development process.
2. Scope:
  1. This policy applies to all new 69ÂÜÀò courses, irrespective of delivery location and mode.
3. Principles:
  1. The New Course Development Process will ensure:
    1. alignment of the development of new UC courses with the 69ÂÜÀò’s purpose, vision, values and the faculties business plans;
    2. a consistent approach to undergraduate and postgraduate course development;
    3. quality assurance in the development of all new courses, including courses being delivered with a third party provider or delivered in a different mode (such as moving a face-to-face on campus course to online delivery);
    4. compliance with 69ÂÜÀò policies, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) requirements outlined in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF);
    5. student-centred approaches to learning and teaching that aim to accommodate students from a wide range of backgrounds, with a wide range of interests for a variety of professional futures.
  2. High quality, high demand courses which will:
    1. focus on strategic priorities, areas of strength, market, industry, professional and community needs;
    2. be academically coherent and integrated, enabling students to progress from undergraduate to doctoral study and into related areas of study where possible;
    3. be financially viable; and
    4. be subject to ongoing review and renewal to remain current and appropriate.
  3. The Faculty will lead a collaborative process for the new course development that engages with all relevant business units and area.
  4. Approval and review processes and documentation for new course proposals depend on the level and delivery location of the course.
  5. New course proposals must be endorsed by the corresponding Faculty Board.
  6. For courses being delivered by a third party provider, the Memoranda of Agreement (MoA) or contracts with new third party providers must be sent to UC Partnerships for determination of policy compliance and contracted agreements regarding the new course proposal.
  7. Proponents (persons submitting a new course proposal) will contact the Manager, Course Quality Assurance (CQA) upon initiating the proposal. CQA will circulate any course proposal documentation to relevant persons in preparation for the course concept development workshop.
  8. A faculty collaborating with a third party provider wishing to develop a new course must present the proposal on behalf of the third party provider.
4. Responsibilities:
Responsibilities for new course development, review and approval are as follows:
Authority Responsibility Policy/Rule
Faculty Board
  • Monitor existing courses and consider new courses and course components to ensure they are aligned with the strategic aims of the Faculty, and make recommendations to the Curriculum Committee.
Faculty Board Charter
Learning and Teaching
  • Assess the compliance of the new course with UC policy and legislation.
  • Assess the compliance of the new course with AQF, TEQSA and other requirements.
  • Facilitating the overall approval process.
New Course Development Policy and Procedure
University Education Committee
  • Make recommendations to Academic Board on policies and procedures relating to the development and delivery of new courses and course components.
  • Monitor the integrity and coherence of the academic program.
  • Assess the quality of new courses and course components and recommend the accreditation and reaccreditation of courses to Academic Board.
  • Monitor and assure the quality of units and courses delivered through Third Party Provider and transnational education arrangements, and academic programs delivered by the 69ÂÜÀò College.
Curriculum Committee Charter 
Academic Board
  • Accredit courses under delegated authority from Council.
  • Approve new courses, changes to academic requirements of existing courses, majors and minors, and units.
  • Re-accredit courses.
Council Resolution No. C32/3 of 25 May 1994
UC Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules Rule 6
Course Reaccreditation Policy
5. Legislation:
Governing Framework or Legislation:
  • as amended January 2013, Chapter 3, Section 7