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Student Representative Council Procedure
1. Purpose:
  1. The purpose of this Procedure is to support the implementation of the 69ÂÜÀò Student Representative Council Policy (the Policy) by setting out the processes and procedures which: 
    1. facilitate the operation of the SRC and assist it in carrying out its functions.
    2. specify how complaints about members of the SRC (Student Leaders) are made and processed; and
    3. codify the SRC’s financial responsibilities.
2. Scope:
This Procedure has the same scope as the Policy.
3. Procedure:
SRC Officers

Executive Officers
  1. The Officer positions that will constitute the Executive Officers shall be:
    1. the President.
    2. the Vice-President.
    3. the Treasurer.
    4. the Secretary.
  2. Executive Officers shall:
    1. be elected by the Student Leaders by secret ballot at the first meeting of the SRC following the election;
    2. hold their Office for the duration of their tenure on the SRC; and
    3. be empowered to make decisions for and on behalf of, and to carry out the functions of, the SRC provided that any decision is approved by at least two of the Executive Officers and is not inconsistent with the Policy or the University’s Statutes, Rules, Polices, Procedures, Student Charter and any applicable Code of Conduct.
  3. If the position of an Executive Officer becomes vacant during the period for which the Executive Officer was elected, the vacancy must be filled by secret ballot at the next scheduled meeting of the SRC following the position becoming vacant.
  4. The President of the SRC shall:
    1. be appointed the Chairperson of all meetings of the SRC, unless the President appoints some other member of the Executive to the role of Chairperson at any given meeting.
    2. represent and speak on behalf of the SRC at meetings, functions, hearings, and enquiries of the SRC, the University and its governing bodies or third parties, or if they are unavailable to attend, appoint another Student Leader to speak on their behalf.
    3. maintain overall supervision of the administration and finances of the SRC.

      General Officers  
  5. The general officer positions shall be:
    1. a Women’s Officer.
    2. a Diversity Officer.
    3. 2 Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Officers, who will be responsible for advocating to the University regarding the appropriate use of the SSAF.
    4. 2 Student Appeals Committee (SAC) Officers.
    5. 1 Advocacy Coordinator.
    6. 2 Events Officers.
    7. 2 Sports Officers.
    8. 1 Media Officer, who shall hold the title of Managing Publisher of Curieux, the Student Publication, and whose office will include responsibility for the publishing of Curieux.
  6. General Officers shall:
    1. be elected by the Student Leaders by secret ballot at the first meeting of the SRC following the election; and
    2. hold their office for the duration of their tenure on the SRC.
  7. To minimise vacancies in Officer positions, Student Leaders may hold more than one position concurrently.
  8. Each Student Leader must hold at least one Officer position for the duration of their tenure on the SRC.
  9. If the position of an Officer becomes vacant, the SRC Executive Officers shall appoint another Student Leader to fill the vacancy at the next scheduled meeting of the SRC following the position becoming vacant.
Eligibility Criteria
  1. If a prospective nominee for election to the SRC does not meet one or more of the Eligibility Criteria in clause 3.9 of the Policy, when completing the nomination form, the prospective nominee must:
    1. highlight the eligibility criteria which they do not meet;
    2. provide the reasons why they do not meet the eligibility criteria; and
    3. explain the basis upon which they argue that an exception should be made in relation to the eligibility criteria to allow their nomination.
  2. The person who receives the nomination form submitted in accordance with clause 3.10 must provide the nomination form to the University Secretary for consideration.
  3. The University Secretary, when considering whether to allow the nomination, must make the following considerations:
    1. for 3.9.1, whether enrolment in a Course of study is imminent;
    2. for 3.9.2, the degree by which the prospective nominee fails to meet this criterion and the reasonableness of the reasons for that;
    3. for 3.9.3, the degree by which the prospective nominee fails to meet this criterion and the reasonableness of the reasons for that;
    4. for 3.9.5, the reasons for the academic probation and the capacity for improvement;
    5. for 3.9.6, the reasons for the suspension or exclusion;
    6. for 3.9.7, the type and severity of the action or inaction that resulted in the finding of misconduct; and
    7. for 3.9.8, any reason why the prospective nominee is ineligible and whether that ineligibility is fatal to their ability to meet their responsibilities pursuant to the Policy.
  4. If the University Secretary decides that a prospective nominee’s nomination should fail, the University Secretary must provide reasons for the decision that includes:
    1. that the nomination will not be allowed to proceed; and
    2. the basis upon which the nomination will not be allowed to proceed, including the clauses of the Policy and this Procedure which are a barrier to the nomination proceeding.
  5. If, during their Term, a Student Leader no longer meets one or more of the Eligibility Criteria in clause 3.9 of the Policy the Executive must consider:
    1. for 3.9.1, the reason the Student Leader is no longer enrolled in their Course, and whether they intend to re-enrol;
    2. for 3.9.2, the degree by which the Student Leader fails to meet this criterion and the reasonableness of the reasons for that;
    3. for 3.9.3, the degree by which the Student Leader fails to meet this criterion and the reasonableness of the reasons for that;
    4. for 3.9.4, how far into their tenure the Student Leader is, the reasons the student leader wishes to transfer faculties, and their capacity and willingness to continue to represent their electorate faculty;
    5. for 3.9.5, the reasons for the academic probation and the capacity for improvement;
    6. for 3.9.6, the reasons for the suspension or exclusion;
    7. for 3.9.7, the type and severity of the action or inaction that resulted in the finding of misconduct; and
    8. for 3.9.8, any reason why the prospective nominee is ineligible and whether that ineligibility is fatal to their ability to meet their responsibilities pursuant to the Policy.
  6. If the Executive decides that a Student Leader should no longer remain sitting on the SRC, the Executive must recommend to the University Secretary that the Student Leader be removed from the SRC in accordance with clause 3.22.3 of the Policy.
Committee Representation
  1. If a Student Leader is unable to meet a commitment in accordance with clause 3.17.12 of the Policy, except if the Student Leader in question is the SRC representative on the University Council or Academic Board:
    1. the Student Leader must notify the President of the SRC no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled commitment; and
    2. where appropriate, and depending on the committee or Board, the President of the SRC shall nominate an alternative Student Leader to attend the commitment in the place of the absent Student Leader.
  2. If the SRC Representative for Council or Academic Board is unavailable to attend a scheduled meeting of Council or Academic Board, that Student cannot be replaced by an alternate Student Leader. However, if this situation arises, the President may nominate an alternative Student Leader to attend the meeting(s) on behalf of the SRC as part of the open session where applicable for reporting purposes only.
  3. Where a Student Leader has attended a meeting or meetings, that Student Leader shall provide a report to the SRC that summarises the meeting(s) attended and outlines any relevant action items for the SRC.
Engagement with students
  1. The SRC shall publish a bi-monthly student body newsletter which shall address:
    1. The SRC’s activities; and
    2. a summary of each Officer’s meeting obligations, including reporting on substantive outcomes for students from previous meetings where appropriate.
  2. The SRC shall deliver a Town Hall meeting on no less than two occasions per calendar year.
  3. If the SRC or any of its Officers are working on an issue or a project that affects the student body, the SRC or the Officer leading the project must ensure that they:
    1. meaningfully consult the Student Community on the issue or project and take feedback from the Student Community;
    2. implement feedback from the Student Community as appropriate;
    3. keep a record of feedback and how it was presented to the University in connection with the issue or project; and
    4. provide updates to the Student Community on the project or issue and report back on the final outcome.
  4. The SRC and its Officers must meaningfully engage with equivalent SRC bodies located at third party providers to ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of all of the issues and perspectives relevant to the university’s Student Community.
  1. If a Student Leader is unable to attend a scheduled meeting of the SRC the Student Leader must provide their apologies in writing to the Executive no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.
  2. Failure to attend two consecutive meetings of the SRC without apology or prior approval from the Executive may give rise to a cause of action pursuant to Clause 3.22 of the Policy.
  3. The Secretary must take reasonable steps to ensure that meetings are scheduled at a time convenient to all Student Leaders.
  4. The Executive must not unreasonably withhold approval for a Student Leader to be excused from an SRC meeting where they are unavailable to attend.
  5. Questions or issues arising at a meeting that require resolution shall be determined by, at the discretion of the President, either:
    1. a consensus of the Student Leaders; or
    2. a majority of votes of Student Leaders present at the meeting.
  6. If there is an equal casting of votes for and against a motion, the question shall pass in the negative.
  7. No vote may occur on any issue unless a quorum is present and has been present at the SRC meeting to hear the discussion preceding the vote.
  8. In preparation for SRC meetings, and not less than five days prior to each meeting, each Student Leader shall provide to the Secretary, a report summarizing the action items and current projects ongoing in each of their respective Officer positions.
  9. The Secretary shall call all meetings of the SRC and ensure that minutes are properly kept and maintained in relation to all business and proceedings conducted at meetings of the SRC.
Matters requiring urgent consideration
  1. The President may decide when a matter requires urgent consideration.
  2. If the President makes a decision in accordance with clause 3.31 and there is no meeting scheduled within 14 days of the urgent issue arising, the President may direct the Secretary to convene a special meeting of the SRC to take place no later than one week after the urgent issue has arisen.
  3. If a special meeting is impractical or otherwise cannot be convened in accordance with clause 3.25, the President may put forward a motion to the Student Leaders:
    1. by flying minute, to be provided to Student Leaders by email; or
    2. by a poll, using appropriate technology, the selection of which will be at the discretion of the SRC Governance Officer.
  4. A draft motion put before the Student Leaders in accordance with Clause 3.33 shall become a resolution of the SRC effective on the date specified in the notice for return of responses. The resolution is carried if at least 70% of Student Leaders vote in favour of the motion.
Reporting complaints of Policy Breach
  1. In accordance with clause 3.20 of the Policy, a Student Leader may make a formal complaint against another Student Leader where they believe that the Student Leader has failed to meet their obligations pursuant to the Policy.
  2. The formal complaint must be in writing and addressed to the Executive of the SRC and must include:
    1. The name and officeholding of the Student Leader accused of the breach (the respondent).
    2. The circumstances of the breach.
    3. Which of clause 3.22.1 – 3.22.3 of the Policy the respondent is alleged to have breached.
    4. The proposed action to be sought in accordance with clause 3.22 of the Policy.
  3. If the respondent to a complaint forms part of the Executive, the complainant may omit that Student Leader from the delivery of the written complaint.
  4. If the Secretary is the respondent to the complaint, the Secretary shall be absolved of their duties with respect to the complaint, and the President shall carry out the Secretary’s duties.
Initial decision regarding validity of complaint
  1. Within 7 days of receiving the complaint, the Executive shall assess the complaint and decide whether or not the complaint is valid in accordance with clause 3.22.1 – 3.22.3 of the Policy.
  2. If the complaint is made in relation to one or more members of the Executive, the initial review of the complaint must be referred to the entire membership of the SRC other than the complainant(s) and the respondent(s) for decision.
  3. The University Secretary shall communicate a decision about an invalid complaint in the same manner as stated in clause 3.43.
  4. If the Executive decides that a complaint is invalid and should not proceed, within 7 business days of the decision being made, the President must direct the Secretary to provide the complainant with the decision, and with a statement of reasons for the decision.
  5. The statement of reasons must contain the following:
    1. that the complaint was found to be invalid, and that, therefore, the complaint will not proceed;
    2. why the complaint was found to be invalid, including the clauses of the Policy which would give rise to a valid complaint, and why the complaint fell outside those clauses; and
    3. that the respondent may appeal the decision to the University Secretary.
  6. If the respondent chooses to appeal the decision of the Executive to the University Secretary, the University Secretary will:
    1. consider the original decision and the statement of reasons provided to the complainant in relation to the decision;
    2. determine whether the complaint was valid; and
    3. within 7 business days of making the decision, notify the Secretary of the SRC of the decision.
  7. Within 7 days of receiving the decision from the University Secretary, the Secretary of the SRC shall notify the complainant of the outcome.
  8. If the University Secretary decides that the complaint is valid, the complaint shall be returned to the SRC and the process outlined below shall proceed. Upon a decision being made in accordance with clause 3.44 above, and within 7 business days, the Executive shall direct the Secretary to provide the respondent with a notice regarding the complaint.
  9. The notice to the respondent must be in writing and sent to the respondent’s University email address, and must inform the respondent of:
    1. the allegations against them in sufficient detail to enable them to understand the precise nature of the allegations;
    2. that a meeting of the SRC will be called within 15 business days of the date of the notice to consider a resolution pursuant to clause 3.22 of the Policy.
    3. which of the actions pursuant to clause 3.22 of the Policy will be sought under the proposed resolution.
    4. that the respondent may respond to the complaint in writing within 10 business days of the date of the notice; and
    5. that the respondent may attend the meeting of the SRC to provide verbal clarification of their response or any further response.
  10. Prior to making any decision in relation to the complaint, the SRC must consider any submission, verbal or written, provided by the respondent in respect of the complaint.
  11. The SRC must ensure that any investigation or enquiry into the complaint is impartial and that there is an absence of any bias.
  12. If a Student Leader has an actual or perceived conflict of interest in relation to the complaint, that Student Leader must excuse themselves from any discussion about the complaint, and from any vote in relation to the complaint.
  13. Following the investigation into the complaint, the SRC may resolve to take any of the actions specified in clause 3.22 of the Policy.
  14. If the Student Leaders require assistance in resolving a complaint, they may seek assistance from the SRC Governance Officer and/or the University Secretary.

Recommendation for removal to the University Secretary
  1. Upon receiving a recommendation under Clause 3.22.3 of the Policy, and within 15 business days, the University Secretary shall:
    1. consider the recommendation of the SRC meeting; and
    2. review of the materials presented to the SRC meeting under clause 3.30; and
    3. determine whether the Student Leader should be removed as a member of the SRC; and
    4. within 7 business days of making the decision, notify the Secretary of the SRC of the decision.
  2. Upon receiving the decision from the University Secretary, and within 7 days of having received the decision, the Secretary of the SRC must deliver written notice to the Student Leader at their last known University email address of the decision.
  3. A determination of the University Secretary pursuant to clause 3.53 is final and takes immediate effect from delivery to the Student Leader at their last known University email address of the written notice by the Secretary of the SRC pursuant to clause 3.54.
  4. Any vacancy created by a decision taken under this clause will be filled according to the 69ÂÜÀò Election Rules 2022 for casual vacancies.
Training for Student Leaders
  1. The University will provide training for incumbent Student Leaders that covers:
    1. A summary of the University governance structure.
    2. Essential University orientation information, including the location of the SRC Governance Officer and the SRC office.
    3. Guiding Student Leaders through the Policy and this Procedure to ensure that they understand their roles, responsibilities and duties.
    4. For the members of the Executive, training on their specific roles.
    5. Leadership training.
  2. The training will be organized and arranged by the SRC Governance Officer who will advise the Student Leaders which training is mandatory, and which is elective.
  3. Student Leaders will be notified of the training by email to their University email address following their election to the SRC.
The SRC Governance Officer
  1. In addition to the duties specified elsewhere in this Procedure, the role of the SRC Governance Officer is to:
    1. complete onboarding for Student Leaders, including setting up staff accounts, email access and room access;
    2. provide Student Leaders with guidance on how to carry out their roles, responsibilities and duties effectively;
    3. connect Student Leaders with appropriate members of University staff where it is relevant to the Student Leader’s role and responsibilities;
    4. where the University has requested feedback from the Student Community or reports on issues affecting students, follow up these requests with the SRC;
    5. connect the SRC with potential projects affecting students within the University; and
    6. communicate with People and Diversity to organize enabling documents for the Student Leaders to commence their roles;
    7. ensure that monies spent by the SRC meet SSAF guidelines; and
    8. assist the Treasurer in carrying out their responsibilities.
  2. Though the SRC may consult the SRC Governance Officer for guidance or advice in relation to their roles and duties:
    1. if the SRC is investigating or resolving a complaint made about another Student Leader, the SRC Governance Officer may not interfere or become involved in that process in any manner, including in an investigatory capacity;
    2. the SRC Governance Officer does not have the authority to direct a Student Leader or the SRC to make any decision or do any act or thing; and
    3. the SRC is not bound by the advice or guidance of the SRC Governance Officer.
  1.  The SRC Governance Officer will work with the SRC to generate an annual budget proposal for delivery to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic for approval by October in each calendar year which details all anticipated revenue and expenditure of SRC for the forthcoming calendar year.
  2. All funding requests or the incurring or payment of an expense by SRC must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic in accordance with the relevant processes and policies of the University from time to time.
  3. The University will create appropriate cost centres for the SRC and record all financial transactions, in accordance with University policies to ensure transparency and appropriate control.
  4. The Executive Officers must engage with the SRC Governance Officer, who will be accountable for ensuring that the SRC is properly managed from a financial perspective and Student Leaders comply with their financial reporting obligations.
  5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
    1. preparing annual accounts.
    2. publishing annual accounts at the end of the first University semester of each year.
    3. presenting annual accounts for approval at the first SRC meeting occurring after the publication of the accounts; and
    4. providing the approved annual accounts to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic.
4. Roles and Responsibilities:
Executive Officers Responsible for the duties contained in clauses 3.9, 3.14 – 3.15, 3.23, 3.25, 3.36, 3.39 and 3.46.
SRC Secretary Responsible for the duties contained in clauses 3.24, 3.30, 3.32, 3.41 and 3.42, 3.45 and 3.46, and 3.54.
SRC Governance Officer Responsible for the duties contained in clauses 3.52, 3.58 and, 3.60 – 3.61.
Student Leaders Responsible for the duties contained in causes 3.16, 3.18 – 3.22, 3.29 and 3.50.
Treasurer Responsible for the duties contained in clauses 3.66.1 – 3.66.4.
University Responsible for the duties contained in clauses 3.57 and 3.59.
University Secretary Responsible for the duties contained in clauses 3.12 – 3.13, 3.44, and 3.52 and 3.53.
5. Governing Policy and Legislation:
  1. This procedure is governed by the following legislation the 69ÂÜÀò Act 1989 (ACT).
  2. The parent Policy for this Procedure is the Student Representative Council Policy.
  3. The SRC Election Procedure is an associated Procedure which dictates the process for student elections.
6. Definitions:
The definitions for this procedure are the same as those listed in the Policy.