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Tobacco-Free University Policy
On 4 October 2016, The University Council approved the introduction of the Tobacco-Free University policy, banning all tobacco products on the University Controlled Premises or Land and ethically ensuring that the University and its activities are disassociated from the Tobacco Industry as a result of the capacity of tobacco smoking to cause harm.

The hazards of tobacco are well known.

Tobacco use remains one of the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. Allowing Tobacco use in and on University property does not meet our commitment to reducing the prevalence of smoking and its associated health, social and economic costs, and the inequalities it causes.

The Tobacco-Free University Policy confirms the principles of the tobacco-free environment for 69ÂÜÀò, employees, students and others.
This policy applies to:
  • all persons whilst on University controlled premises or land including staff and students of the University's Controlled or Related Entities
  • all vendors, contractors and commercial tenants operating in or on University owned or controlled premises and land.
Tobacco-free environment
  1. All staff, students and visitors of the University are entitled to a healthy workplace and learning environment that is not impacted by second hand smoke, or the vapour from personal vaporisers and similar devices. 
  2. The University is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment that is free from the promotion, encouragement of tobacco use and engagement with tobacco and tobacco related organisations.
In order to meet these principles, the University:
  • Prohibits the use of tobacco and other smoking products in all University vehicles and on University controlled Premises or Land. This includes University approved fieldwork activities where other persons may be exposed to tobacco smoke 
  • Encourages the provision and usage of evidence-based cessation support services
  • Prohibits the sale, promotion, advertising or free distribution of tobacco products, vaporisers (e-cigarette) and similar devices.
  • Shall not accept funds for research projects, grants, student scholarships or other material considerations from the tobacco industry or related third parties, either directly or indirectly 
  • Prevents University officials, staff, advisors or other persons representing the University from accepting gifts or entering into any arrangement, association or partnership with representatives of the tobacco industry, either directly or indirectly 
  • Shall not invite companies that manufacture or sell tobacco products to participate in campus careers fairs or other vocational or recruitment activities, either directly or indirectly 
  • Communicates the requirements of this Policy via signage, induction and contracts as well as other appropriate means
The implementation of this Policy is supported by the Tobacco-Free University Procedure
Delegation Band or Role Responsibilities
Band 0 Responsible for approval, amendment or revoking policy and procedural principles, consistent with legal requirements
Band 1 Responsible to Council for the overall implementation of this Policy. This includes the allocation of resources for effective implementation, and ensuring workers (including staff, affiliates and contractors), students and visitors are aware of their responsibilities through appropriate delegation.
Band 2 and/or Band 3 Executive and Senior Management have the primary responsibility and accountability for the implementation of University policies at all levels of the organisation and the overarching responsibility for workplace health and safety within their areas of control.
Band 6 and/or higher Understand, promote and comply with health and safety policies, procedures and related work health, safety management system documentation.
All Workers, students and others All workers, students and visitors have a responsibility to take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of others and comply with any reasonable instruction, policy, procedures or guidelines of the University in relation to health and safety.
People and Diversity To provide advice regarding specific health and safety matters, update the University on legislative changes.

Assist with the development, implementation,monitoring and review and reporting (including on Policy effectiveness) of this Policy 
This policy is governed by the:
Supporting Information:
Tobacco-Free University Procedure
Terms Definitions
Controlled Entity a separate legal body which the University has the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about the entity's business and financial arrangements.
Other smoking products as defined by the   other smoking products amean a tobacco product, herbal product, personal vaporiser or personal vaporiser product.
Personal vaporiser means a device that:
(i) is made for the purpose or apparent purpose of delivering a substance into a person’s body when the person inhales through the device; and
(ii) has 1 or more of the following:
  • a battery
  • an electric heating element
  • a cartridge or container to store a substance 
or a device prescribed by regulation
Related Entity a separate legal entity in which the University holds an interest and University staff are appointed by Council to the governing body.
Smoke means—
(a) smoke from an ignited smoking product; or
(b) vapour from a personal vaporiser
Tobacco Use for the purpose of this policy, tobacco use also refers to:
  • Any method of consuming by combustion of tobacco, plant material, herbs, or drugs using any utensil or apparatus including cigarettes, pipes or cigars
  • personal vaporisers
  • Chewing tobacco.
Tobacco Industry organisations directly involved in the production, manufacture, marketing and/or promotion of tobacco or related products.
University Controlled Premises or Land premises or land owned by, or occupied by the University including, without limitation, under a lease and which may be occupied by tenants of the University under a lease or sublease arrangement, but excludes land leased by the University to a tenant under a sublease of land (e.g. land within the Campus Community project and other commercial land projects of the University) or other land determined by the University to be controlled by others.
University vehicle a vehicle registered in the name of, or owned by, the University; or.
a vehicle used in an official capacity in the conduct of the affairs or operations of the University.