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International Mobility (for students) Policy (expires 31 December 2024)
This policy sets out the principles for managing the 69ÂÜÀò’s student mobility programs.
This policy applies to all student enrolled in entities within the UC Group undertaking a portion of their courses of study internationally to fulfill their course requirements, including formal student exchange programs, study abroad, Australian Institute for Mobility Overseas (AIM) and other short-term programs, international study tours, field trips, international Work Integrated Learning, and research activities.
  1. The University regards engagement with the world around as a strategic priority. By providing students with opportunities to take a portion of their study internationally, the University helps to prepare them for work in a culturally diverse and international environment. 
  2. The health and safety of students travelling internationally for study is paramount.  Accordingly, travel advice and warnings issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) will be applied. The University may also deem other locations to be of very high or extreme risk. Students will not normally be permitted to travel to countries or regions assessed as Risk Category 3 and will only be permitted to travel to or remain in countries or regions assessed as Risk Category 4 in extenuating circumstances. Details and approving authorities are set out in Schedule 1. 
  3. The University will provide comprehensive pre-departure advice regarding health, welfare and security to all students participating in international mobility programs and activities including advice about culture, customs and laws in the host countries, travel insurance security and emergency requirements and contacts. 
  4. The University expects students to respect the culture, customs and laws of their host institutions and the broader community.  Students whose behaviour is unsatisfactory may be recalled to Australia. 
  5. To enhance the management of travel risks and crisis response, the University has an agreement with a medical and security risk management and assistance company.  Students travelling overseas for approved study have access to the 24 hour emergency contact number for assistance in emergencies. Crises and critical incidents will be managed in accordance with the University’s crisis and critical student incident management policies. 
  6. The University will monitor international incidents and may require students to return to Australia if the remaining in the location is deemed to be dangerous. Failure by students to follow appropriate safety instructions may constitute grounds for disciplinary action.  
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Programs.
  1. To be eligible for selection for Study Abroad and Student Exchange Programs, students must be enrolled full-time and have successfully completed two semesters of undergraduate study with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or above.  They must also be able to demonstrate that they have the skills to manage a new and challenging social environment. 
  2. Students wishing to participate in exchange programs in their final semester of study should seek advice from the Study Abroad and Exchange Office about possible delays to graduation. 
  3. The University will advise students about enrolment and payment requirements, study programs to be undertaken by exchange and study abroad students at the host institution and any sources of financial assistance both within the University and externally such as OS-HELP.
  4.  The University will maintain a list of students participating in international exchange programs. 
Higher Degree by Research Students
  1. Proposals to undertake research in countries of regions identified as Risk Category 3 or 4 will only be approved in extenuating circumstances. 
  2. The University may provide some funding to support research students’ travel in accordance with Higher Degrees by Research Policy & Procedures. 
International Work Integrated Learning
The University will advise any students undertaking international Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs about professional indemnity insurance and any other requirements such as police checks prior to departure.
International Field Trips
The University's Field Trip Policy and Field Trip Procedure identifies any additional requirements for international field trips.

Student Responsibilities
  1. All students participating in mobility programs will be responsible for:
    • informing themselves about cultural, legal and behavioural requirements in their host country and respecting those requirements;
    • ensuring that they have adequate health and travel insurance;
    • seeking medical advice about vaccinations and other health matters prior to departure;
    • ensuring that they have a valid passport and visa;
    • ensuring they are registered with the University’s medical and security risk management and assistance company;
    • registering with DFAT and regularly checking the DFAT Smart Traveller website and following any travel advice. Non-Australian citizens should register with their respective embassy/country DFAT equivalent websites where available;
    • ensuring they have the University’s approval for their program;
    • attending pre-departure briefings and completing any required documentation;
    • following safety instructions, including returning to Australia if directed by the University.
  2. Students enrolled in Student Exchange Programs will also be responsible for:
    • seeking their Course Convenor’s approval for their proposed study program;
    • ensuring they are correctly enrolled;
    • respecting the local customs, rules and laws at their host institutions and within the broader community;
    • applying to have units undertaken at host universities credited to their courses on return from exchange
Responsibilities for implementing this policy are set out in the International Mobility (for students) Procedure.
This policy is governed by and its   and .
Supporting Information:
Documents related to this policy are:
Terms Definitions
International Field Trip Field trips are approved learning activities Undertaken at an overseas destination. Academic staff generally accompany students.
Grade Point Average (GPA) A GPA is an indicator of a student’s academic success.
Student Exchange Program A Student Exchange Program is a period of study undertaken at an international university with which the University has a formal partnership. Units undertaken at the host institution are credited to the student’s course.
Study Abroad Study Abroad refers to study undertaken at an international education provider which has no formal exchange partnership with the University. Units undertaken may be credited to a student’s course subject to the Course Convenor’s approval.
Short Term Study A short term study of a few weeks duration may be undertaken through organisations such as the Australian Institute for Mobility Overseas (AIM).
Study Tour A study tour would normally be organised by an academic staff member(s) who may accompany students.
International Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Placement This refers to a placement or internship undertaken in an international location with the prior approval of the unit convenor.
Research activities Activities may include international conference attendance, field work and data collection.
This policy has been developed to provide guidance in dealing with issues not currently covered in existing University policies.

Schedule 1
Travel Risk Categories
Category Criteria DFAT Warning University Policy
1 DFAT Risk Level 1 Exercise common sense and look out for suspicious behaviour, as you would in Australia. Take due note of warnings and prepare an appropriate risk management strategy.
2 DFAT Risk Level 2
Exercise a high degree of caution.
Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media about possible new safety or security risks. Take due note of warnings and prepare an appropriate risk management strategy.
3 DFAT Risk Level 3
Other destinations deemed by the University to be of very high risk 
Reconsider your need to travel
There is a high level of risk in the country/area. This may be due to a very high threat of terrorist attack or a volatile and unpredictable security situation. Student and supervisor must complete a risk assessment for consideration of the PVC International and Major Projects.
DFAT Risk Level 4
Other destinations deemed by the University to be extreme risk 
Do not travel
The security situation is extremely dangerous. This may be due to a very high threat of terrorist attack, widespread armed conflict and or dangerous levels of violent crime. Student may only be permitted to travel to or remain in these countries/regions in exceptional circumstances and then only with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

For further information see: