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Higher Degree by Research Admission Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. This Policy outlines the principles for admission to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) courses at the University.
2. Scope:
  1. The Policy applies to HDR courses and candidates.
  2. This Policy does not apply to undergraduate (including Honours) or postgraduate coursework courses and students covered by the Admission (for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework Courses) Policy.
3. Principles:
  1. In approving an offer of a place to a HDR course, the University commits to provide HDR candidates with a quality research education and training experience for the duration of their candidature.
  2. An offer for a place will be made by an Admissions Officer only when the availability of appropriate supervision and adequate resources to support the proposed research exists, as confirmed by the Faculty Executive Dean.
  3. Admission to an HDR course requires prior completion of an Award in a suitable area of study deemed to provide an appropriate volume of learning to be used as a pathway to research training at the University, and assessed as equivalent to a degree awarded by an Australian university. 
  4. Admission may also be considered on the basis of learning acquired through means other than formal study, as outlined in the Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure.
  5. International applicants must satisfy Australian Government regulations relating to their admission to an Australian Higher Education Provider. 
Requirements for Admission
  1. For admission to a HDR course applicants must demonstrate:
    1. the ability to apply a body of knowledge and skills in a range of contexts;
    2. the ability to undertake complex thinking and problem solving with initiative and creativity;
    3. the ability to plan and execute a research project with independence; and
    4. knowledge of research principles and methods in their field.
  2. Specific requirements for admission to HDR courses are outlined in the Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure.
Proficiency in English
  1. Applicants are expected to be proficient in English expression and comprehension and must meet the HDR English language requirements of the University to be eligible for admission or complete an approved pathway program as detailed in the Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure.
  2. In exceptional circumstances a case for English language equivalency may be made to the Dean, Graduate Research, as outlined in the Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure. 
Offshore or Off-campus Candidature
  1. Applicants who wish to undertake part or all of the course offshore (outside of Australia) or off-campus (remote) are subject to the admission requirements outlined in this Policy and must follow the requirements detailed in the Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure.  
Applicants Transferring from Other Institutions
  1. HDR candidates who have commenced an HDR course at another Australian institution and apply to transfer their research to the University must meet the admission requirements detailed in this Policy and provide evidence of progress made to date at their previous institution, as outlined in the Higher Degree by Research Admission Procedure.   
Offers of Admission
  1. Once the admission requirements are deemed to have been met, an offer of admission can be made by an Admissions Officer.
  2. An Admissions Officer may refuse to admit an applicant to the course or withdraw an offer if they are not satisfied that the requirements for admission have been met, or on the discovery of false or misleading information, by the applicant in relation to their application.
  3. An offer of admission may be deferred for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months from the course commencement date on the letter of offer.
Readmission following discontinuation 
  1. A candidate who has discontinued from a HDR course (either voluntarily or institution imposed) may apply for admission in accordance with the University policy and procedure applicable at the time of application.
  2. A candidate who has been excluded from the University must not be admitted to a course of study for a period of five years. 
  1. An applicant who wishes to appeal an admission decision may submit a request in writing to the Admissions Review Officer (to ) within 60 days of receiving a notification regarding admission from the University.
  2. If an application for appeal has been reviewed and rejected by the Admissions Review Officer no further appeal can be made within the University.
4. Responsibilities:
  1. Where the approving authority is unavailable to make an academic or administrative decision as required by this Policy, or it is not appropriate to do so (e.g. conflict of interest), authority may only be exercised by a person appointed to the position on a temporary basis (acting) or a delegate with management responsibility for the functions of the position.
Who Responsibilities
Admissions Officer  Admit an applicant to a course or withdraw an offer. 
Admissions Review Officer   Review a decision to admit an applicant to a course or withdraw an offer. 
University Admissions Committee Recommend to Academic Board an amendment to the University’s admission requirements.
Academic Board Approve amendments to the University’s admission requirements.
Dean Graduate Research Approve a case for English language equivalency. 
Review an appeal against an admissions decision.
Faculty Executive Dean Confirm the existence of appropriate supervision and adequate resources to support admission of an HDR candidate. 
5. Legislation:
  1. This Policy is governed by the  (ACT) (or the relevant Statute or Rule).  
  2. Other relevant legislation includes:
    •  and 
    • Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) Amendment (No. 1) 2020 
    • , and Ministerial Direction 69 (Genuine Temporary Entrant) 
6. Supporting Information:
7. Definitions:
  1. The following definitions are relevant to this Policy:
Terms Definitions
Award Means a degree, diploma or certificate that may be awarded by the University, see
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Means a degree of master by research or a degree of doctor by research, see
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidate or student A student enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research, see
Admissions Officer Means a University officer appointed by Academic Board, under the , to receive applications for admission and admit applicants to a course who have met all requirements for admission.
Admissions Review Officer Means an officer of the University appointed by Academic Board, under the , to review the decision of an Admissions Officer in relation to an applicant.  
University 69ÂÜÀò ABN 81 633 873 13
8. Links:
  1. Other documents related to this Policy: