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Academic Staff Promotions Policy
This policy provides for the promotion of Academic staff at the University.
This policy applies to all full-time or part-time Academic staff employed at the University who:
  1. are employed on a continuing, contingent continuing or fixed-term basis[1]; and
  2. commenced employment with the University prior to the year in which the application is made.
 This policy does not apply to sessional academic staff.
[1] Note: A successful fixed-term promotion application does not extend the contract duration.
The University strives to achieve excellence through its ambitious strategic agenda, including by providing an enriched learning environment for its students. Recognition of its people is key to achieving this. The University nurtures and supports its staff to progress in their careers and rewards their success through various avenues, including academic promotion.
The aim of academic promotion is to recognise demonstrated academic achievement, particularly in areas of education, research and leadership, and to empower academic staff to continue to grow their capacity for achieving excellence in future developmental pursuits.

  1. The Promotion Committee members will be drawn from the following:
    1. Vice-Chancellor (Chair) or nominee;
    2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic;
    3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Research and Innovation;
    4. the Chair of Academic Board;
    5. an external Council Member;
    6. a person external to the University, who has significant academic and professional standing, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
    7. the appropriate Executive Dean/Director as discipline representative.
  2. The Promotion Committee will be assisted in its functions by the Chief Executive People and Diversity (or nominee) documenting decisions of the committee in consultation with the Chair.
  3. The Chief Executive People and Diversity (or nominee) will also function as Equity Observer and will not be entitled to vote.
  4. Alternate observers may be appointed at any time during the Promotion Committee process.
  5. An employee representative such as a union nominee but not an office-holder of the local branch, may attend the committee at the request of an applicant but only for the part of the committee meeting where the applicant’s application is being discussed.
  6. The University will make every effort to maintain a gender balance on the Promotion Committee. Where an application is submitted by a staff member who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, the Vice-Chancellor may invite an additional member who also identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander to join the Promotion Committee for consideration of that particular application.
  7. It is the intention that persons appointed to the Promotion Committee will be available for the full process. An unforeseen vacancy may be filled at the Vice-Chancellor’s discretion. Where practicable, the person so appointed will be from the same category as the person being replaced. Unavailability of an appointed member of the Promotion Committee for part or all of the promotion process will not be grounds for delaying the promotion process or a ground for initiating a grievance about the process.
  8. All 69ÂÜÀò members of the Promotions Committee and all applicants are required to have successfully completed the 69ÂÜÀò on-line Workplace Discrimination training course and should have an awareness of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 under the Disabilities Discrimination Act 1992.
  9. The Promotion Committee will make an initial consideration of each application for promotion to determine those candidates whom it wishes to interview to clarify any aspect of the application. The interview will not be an opportunity to submit additional evidence; however, candidates will be permitted to update the Promotion Committee on progress of pending items submitted in the original application.
  10. The Chair will advise applicants of the outcome of the application.  All applicants will be given an opportunity to contact the Chair of the Promotion Committee for feedback on their application.

Strategic alignment and approach
The University's approach to academic promotion aligns with its strategic goals and vision, including to lead the higher education sector nationally in equity, diversity, inclusion and access.
In line with this vision, the University assesses all applications for promotion on merit and places no restriction on the number of applications for promotion in any given year. Academic staff contribute to the University in many varied ways including through different disciplines, flexible work arrangements, diverse career histories and personal lived experiences.
The University will assess applications in a fair, consistent and transparent manner, ensuring appropriate confidentiality is maintained throughout.
Non-traditional patterns of achievement will be taken into account in the promotions process, such as may be demonstrated by part-time staff, women, Indigenous Australians, people with disabilities and people from non-English speaking backgrounds.  Particular consideration will be given to the impact that career breaks and part time employment have had on applicants with carer responsibilities, and accomplishments determined relative to opportunities provided, rather than solely on a quantitative basis.

Focus on leadership
Leadership is a key indicator of an employee's suitability for promotion and will be assessed in the same way as other academic contribution. This will have been the focus of feedback, development and career based discussions undertaken with the employee's manager.
The University looks for leaders who embody the UC values, who are honest and create an environment which supports and inspires others.
Leadership and service to the University and community is key to achieving the University's strategic goals, and will be assessed as part of any promotion application. In accordance with the Performance Expectations for Academic Staff (PEAS).

Assessment of applications
Applications will be assessed by a Promotion Committee.
Any application for promotion must be supported by objective evidence. The form of such evidence may vary, but must be authentic and able to be independently verified by the University as it considers appropriate.
The Promotion Committee will place greater weight to the outcomes/impact of candidate’s achievements since joining the 69ÂÜÀò, and the rate of publications and indicators of research and professional engagement over the last five (5) years and since the candidate’s last promotion.
In considering promotion, a candidate is expected to benchmark their performance against the relevant performance expectations (PEAS) for the level they are seeking to achieve.  For example, if a candidate is currently at Academic Level C, they should seek to demonstrate that their performance achievement meets the PEAS as set for Level D (if that is the level being sought).
Supporting Information:
If you have any questions about the application of this policy, contact .